Tuesday 18 January 2011

Woa ...

Holy crap ..I haven't updated this thing for a very long time. Well it is 2011 now so I might as well tell you what has been going on.

First off The greater good is no more . That team died a long time ago leaving no support for the tf2 side. Therefore we decided to fold it. When that folded I took our best players at the time, Piggeh and Charizard, and merged it with an existing team good at last. We played the rest of the AFS and won divison 6 .

After that things got a little ugly. Good at last got rid of me because I was bad. This was when I decided to actually try and get good at this game as until that moment I was unaware of my lack of skill and understanding of the game. So i took the feeback from Good at last and got mentored up. Anyway after a while of studying how i play and improving my gamesense I decided to find a new team. I found a new one called Vuze gaming.

Vuze started off great. I had lots of fun and I felt I was improving a lot. However when 2 of our best players decided to move on from TF2 I noticed a steady decline in the teams motivation. This annoyed me quite a bit and sparked some tensions with other members of the team. SO i decided to call it quits on Vuze.

So this is where I am now..currently without a team and trailing for a new one.

This has covered almost half a year of time. Cool that I can condense it into smaller chunks.